Brunswick Expo

Taking Care of Brunswick 2011-2016 Community Expo

Held on Saturday 19th March 10am - 3.30pm

Brunswick Heads Public School, Fingal St, Brunswick Heads 

  • Speakers, workshops, community stalls, exhibits and creativity 
  • Kids activties and community arts
  • Enjoy coffee, cakes and community BBQ
  • Come along and plant an idea in the Kitchen Garden of Ideas
  • Entry Free 


  • Showcasing our community spirit
  • Connecting us
  • Informing us
  • Inspiring us to plan for the future of Brunswick

The Expo was organised by the CETP project as a lead up to the community planning workshops being held over the coming months to develop the next five year community plan for Brunswick Heads. 

The Expo was designed to showcase Brunswick Heads, including its community spirit, unique township and natural environment, while at the same time providing useful information for people to take into account during community planning workshops being held in April and May to develop strategies for the Taking Care of Brunswick 2011-2016 Plan.

Social, environmental and economic sustainability 

Download a copy of the flyer and program here:

Program details

A range of stalls, plus educational exhibits, workshops and speakers, intended to:

  • Stimulate thinking about some of the social, environmental and economic trendes which affect our lives and community, now and in coming years.
  • Inspire local people about exciting iniitaives undertaken by groups and/or communities in local and other areas to adapt to such trends and strengthen their communities
  • Inform the public about community groups and organisations that service the Brunswick Heads community

Don Page MP, Mayor Jan Barham, speakers youth & guests
Be inspired by the speakers to participate in the workshops during the day 


History of Bruns & Elements of Change 
Frank Mills (Local historian)

Wild, Wet & Wise  
Frank Stadler  (National Climate Change Adaption Research Facility) 

Can Do Communities
Rick Hutton (community economic regenerator, Bingara NSW) 

Sustainability - Eats & Speaks
Nina Bishop (Sustainability Streets), Graeme Williams ( BSC) and friends 

Creativity in our Community
Tony Duke (Arts Northern Rivers), Alsion Drover & friends

5 Pillars of Business Success
Tony Zillig (Northern Rivers BEC)
Small Business, the web and social media 
Max Haim

Healthy soils & growing fruit & vegies on the coast
Andrew Carter (Foodlinks Program by Byron Community College)
Bring sun/rain protection, covered shoes & gloves