Brunswick Heads Festivals and Events image
The Back to Bruns Hot Rods!

Brunswick Heads Festivals and Events

Brunswick Heads eco-friendly family events and festivals

Brunswick Heads stages several eco-friendly family events each year, in keeping with the town's "Simple Pleasures" theme.  There is considerable community group involvement with the organisation of activities to ensure that the festivals and events are affordable.

Most of our 'home-grown'festivals are held out of the peak holiday seasons, so that accommodation is available for overnight stays. The major festivals hosted by the Brunswick Heads community include:

Community groups provide fundraising BBQ's and other foodstalls and a policy of no commercial foodstalls at our community events is in place to support our local businesses who sponsor these festivals.  

In addition, Brunswick Heads is the finishing point for a number of other walking, running or riding events and the parks come alive with low key activities.  We also an enchanting Fairy Trail around town, housing the dainty and delightful fairy folk who've made their homes in the nooks of trees around town.  Pick up a a Fairy Trail map from the Brunswick Heads Visitor Centre (open every day except Christmas Day).

Brunswick Heads Events Calendar


Twilight Christmas market December TBA

McGregor's Family Carnival continues each evening in Banner Park until mid-January (weather permitting).  Try your luck at the community Housie Tent.

Woodchop Carnival (kicks off with fireworks on in Jan and followed with Woodchop Championship

Australia Day, January 26
Australia Day celebrations at Hotel Brunswick


MARCH 2024

(not being held in 2024)
The Kites and Bikes Festival (run by the Chamber of Commerce) has been staged every two years but due to the enormous resources required, it will not run in 2022. Contact the Visitor Centre on (02) 6685 1003.



Byron Bay Blues Festival


MAY 2024 
Sunday 26th 

Mullum to Bruns Paddle  
Fun paddle and challenges for all ages with free fun kayak and SUP activities, music & picnic in the park at the Terrace, Brunswick Heads. 

JUNE 2024
Sat June 8 - long weekend
Old and Gold Festival (Chamber of Commerce Event) - Celebrating all things old, secondhand and recycled around the township of Brunswick Heads.

July - September (TBA)
Simple Pleasures Photography Competition
Stay tuned for the 2022 theme.  This is a Brunswick Heads Chamber of Commerce activity.  Read more...
Contact the Visitor Centre on (02) 6685 1003.

JULY 2024
Friday 12 - Sunday 14 July
Back to Brunswick Hot Rods

TBA August
Byron to Bruns Beach Run - This is a major fundraiser for the Brunswick Surf Lifesavers.

Tuesday 1 November
Melbourne Cup - Brunswick Heads style at the pub or the Brunswick Heads Bowling Club.

October/November - TBC
mer Service Awards
Nominations close late November

Corporate Partner

Crystal Castle image

Wander the magical gardens of mystic statues, walk the ancient labyrinth, and breathe in the hinterland views. Read more...

Featured Members

McGregor Family Amusements

McGregor Family Amusements image

Husk Farm Distillery

Husk Farm Distillery image Husk Farm Distillery image