Vision & Guiding Principles

Draft Vision 2011-2016

Brunswick Heads is committed to maintaining it’s low-key, family-friendly village lifestyle, enhancing community diversity, well-being and cohesiveness, and encouraging sustainable and innovative business, while protecting our natural environment and respecting the rights of future generations to be able to meet their own needs. We welcome those who share our vision and help in achieving it.

Draft Guiding Principles

  • Maintain our low key village lifestyle
  • Enhance social, cultural & community wellbeing including social equity, diversity & opportunity for all
  • Protect and enhance our natural environment, seek to reduce our ecological footprint and respect the rights of future generations to be able meet their own needs
  • Encourage sustainable and innovative business activity
  • Encourage collaborative initiatives that strengthen community
  • cohesiveness and increase our capacity to meet unforeseen challenges

Draft Strategic Priorities


1. Maintain our "Simple Pleasures'' identity and values
2. Create new opportunities for diverse and vibrant cultural expression


3. Create opportunities for our young people to thrive
4. Create an age friendly environment that promotes healthy ageing, active living, and      inclusiveness
5. Create opportunities for inclusion and participation in community life for people with disabilities
6. Enhance local food security
7. Increase our capacity to manage disasters and emergencies

Natural Environment

8. Improve natural resource management
9. Preserve and enhance our natural environment
10. Reduce our ecological footprint


11. Encourage diversity of sustainable businesses
12. Support “Simple Pleasures” Tourism Management
13. Increase employment opportunities
14. Take advatage of new technologies
15. Improve energy efficiency and waste management
16. Promote “buy local” awareness

Built Environment

17. Create a wider range of housing options to maintain social diversity & equity
18. Improve ecological footprint of housing, transport & built environment
19. Improve community amenities and services
20. Increase community connectedness and mobility

Download the document here

Corporate Partner

Reflections Holiday Parks image

We have three Holiday Parks in Brunswick Heads at Brunswick Heads, Massy Greene and Ferry Reserve, all with direct water frontage. Read more...



Featured Members

Better By Bike - Northern Rivers Rail Trail

Brunswick Heads Bowling Club