Indoor Collectables Fair

Indoor Secondhand and Collectables Fair

The Collectables Fair is booked out

This fair is intended to showcase higher quality secondhand and collectables items.

Books must be confirmed with Sandy on (02) 6684 1709 or 0408 424675. Stall space sizes and prices range from $35 to $85 and 1.8m tables are available for hire for $7 each on request with bookings. As of 12th April there are only 2 spaces left. Payments can be made at the Brunswick Visitor Centre, 7 Park St or online before May 7th. 

Set up
Stalls in the Memorial Hall can be set up from 7.30-9pm on Friday night 10th June. The Hall will be open for set up on Sat 11th  from 7am and stalls must be ready to trade from 8.30am. Packing up cannot commence until 3pm. Please park around the back (lane entrance) to unload.

Security & assistance
Security at the entrance will be provided form 7.00-8.30am and Carmen will be available from 11am-1pm to mind your stall for a few minutes while to grab a bite or drink.

Download stallholder information and bookings here.