Halls & venues for hire in Brunswick Heads image

Halls & venues for hire in Brunswick Heads

There are a variety of halls and spaces are available for hire by the public. Capacities of the venues vary greatly, and bookings are generally tight. Most bookings are handled by volunteers.

Brunswick Valley Community Centre

South Beach Rd
Fran Leske
PO Box 128, Brunswick Heads
p: 02 6685 1498
e: brunsvalleycommunitycentre@gmail.com

Memorial Hall

Fingal St
Click here to check pricing and download a flyer
p:02 6685 1002/02 6685 1003
e: admin@brunswickheads.org.au

RSL Hall

Fawcett St
Bob Freestone:
p: 02 6685 1360  
m: 0439 930036

Uniting Church Hall

Cnr Fingal & Byron Sts
e:  brunswickvalleyunitingchurch@outlook.com

CWA Hall

Charelle Giabotti
Park St
p: Jill 02 6685 0000

Girl Guides Hall

Byron St
Helen Hargreaves
p: 0419 756969
e: helenharg@westnet.com.au

Scout Hall

South Beach Rd
e: scouts2483hallhire@gmail.com 

Housie Shed

Mullumbimbi St
Byron Shire Council
p: 02 6626 7000


Reflections - The Terrace
Shari Sheils
ph: 02 6691 0301.


Halls & venues for hire in Brunswick Heads
Byron Shire Respite Service Inc

Byron Shire Respite Service has provided aged and disability services to the residents of Brunswick Heads for 30 years. Byron Respite coordinates community access in Brunswick Valley Community Centre, offering spaces to community for public use, including yoga classes, conferences, workshops and Bruns Breaky.  

Peter Devine - General Manager
02 6685 1921


Corporate Partner

Ocean Shores Tavern image

Featured Members

Brunswick Valley Coaches

Brunswick Valley Coaches image

Wandana Brewing Co. Mullumbimby

Wandana Brewing Co. Mullumbimby image Wandana Brewing Co. Mullumbimby image